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The PartialAUROC Loss consists of three parts:RelaxedPAUCLoss
, InsRelaxedPAUCLoss
, and UnbiasedPAUCLoss
The following class supports the computation of RelaxedPAUCLoss: CLASS RelaxedPAUCLoss (gamma=1, E_k=0, weight_scheme='Poly', num_classes=2, reduction='mean', AUC_type='OP', first_state_loss=None, **kwargs) [SOURCE]
The safe margin for the BaseAUCLoss function.
The number of warm-up epochs where the loss is computed using the The weight scheme used in the calculation of the BaseAUCLoss function. The number of classes in the binary classification problem. 'mean' or 'sum' )
The method of aggregating the loss. The type of optimization to be performed (OPAUC or TPAUC). The loss function to be used during the warm-up epochs. |
The following class supports the computation of InsRelaxedPAUCLoss: CLASS InsRelaxedPAUCLoss (gamma=1, E_k=0, weight_scheme='Poly', num_classes=2, eps=1e-6, AUC_type='OP', first_state_loss=None, reg_a=0.0, reg_b=0.0, **kwargs) [SOURCE]
The safe margin for the BaseAUCLoss function.
The number of warm-up epochs where the loss is computed using the The weight scheme used in the calculation of the BaseAUCLoss function. The number of classes in the binary classification problem. The parameter is used to avoid zero gradient. The type of optimization to be performed (OPAUC or TPAUC). The loss function to be used during the warm-up epochs. The weights of the strong convex constraint. The weights of the strong convex constraint. |
in XCurve.AUROC.optimizer
should be the optimizer when using InsRelaxedPAUCLoss
The following class supports the computation of UnbiasedPAUCLoss: CLASS UnbiasedPAUCLoss (alpha, beta, device) [SOURCE]
The optimization variables. OPAUC when The optimization variables. The cuda device. |
in XCurve.AUROC.optimizer
should be the optimizer when using UnbiasedPAUCLoss
import torch
from easydict import EasyDict as edict
from XCurve.AUROC.losses import RelaxedPAUCLoss, InsRelaxedPAUCLoss, UnbiasedPAUCLoss
from torch.optim import SGD
from XCurve.AUROC.models import generate_net
# set params to create model
args = edict({
"model_type": "resnet18", # (support resnet18,resnet20, densenet121 and mlp)
"num_classes": 2,
"pretrained": None
model = generate_net(args).cuda()
num_classes = 2
# create optimizer
optimizer = SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
# create loss criterion
criterion = RelaxedPAUCLoss(
gamma=1, # safe margin
E_k=0, # warm-up epoch.
weight_scheme="Poly", # weight scheme
num_classes=2, # number of classes
reduction="mean", # loss aggregated manne
AUC_type='OP', # (OPAUC or TPAUC optimization)
first_state_loss=torch.nn.BCELoss() # warm-up loss
# create Dataset (train_set, val_set, test_set) and dataloader (trainloader)
# You can construct your own dataset/dataloader
# but must ensure that there at least one sample for every class in each mini-batch
# to calculate the AUROC loss. Or, you can do this:
from XCurve.AUROC.dataloaders import get_datasets
from XCurve.AUROC.dataloaders import get_data_loaders
# set dataset params, see our doc. for more details.
dataset_args = edict({
"data_dir": "data/cifar-10-long-tail/",
"input_size": [32, 32],
"norm_params": {
"mean": [123.675, 116.280, 103.530],
"std": [58.395, 57.120, 57.375]
"use_lmdb": True,
"resampler_type": "None",
"sampler": { # only used for binary classification
"rpos": 1,
"rneg": 10
"npy_style": True,
"aug": True,
"class2id": { # positive (minority) class idx
"1": 1, "0":0, "2":0, "3":0, "4":0, "5":0,
"6":0, "7":0, "8":0, "9":0
train_set, val_set, test_set = get_datasets(dataset_args)
trainloader, valloader, testloader = get_data_loaders(
test_batch_size =64
# Note that, in the get_datasets(), we conduct stratified sampling for train_set
# using the StratifiedSampler at from XCurve.AUROC.dataloaders import StratifiedSampler
# forward of model
for x, target in trainloader:
x, target = x.cuda(), target.cuda()
# target.shape => [batch_size, ]
# Note that we ask for the prediction of the model among [0,1]
# for any binary (i.e., sigmoid) or multi-class (i.e., softmax) AUROC optimization.
pred = torch.sigmoid(model(x)) # [batch_size, num_classess] when num_classes > 2, o.w. output [batch_size, ]
loss = criterion(pred, target)
print(f'loss: {loss.item()}')
# backward